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  • Families should consult with their local school district’s office of exceptional services to collaborate with MSDB to determine if the child’s placement here is the least restrictive environment. Once a referral is made, our admissions committee will review each inquiry to determine next steps.

  • Students must have at least a ruling of Hearing Impairment (HI), Visual Impairment (VI), and/or Deaf-Blind (DB) by the local school district for enrollment consideration. The committee may consider Multiple Disabilities (MD) if it can be determined that HI, VI, or DB appears to be the primary impact of the student’s educational functioning.

  • All out-of-state transfers must collaborate with their local Mississippi district’s office of exceptional services to determine the least restrictive environment for a student who is seeking admission.

  • Yes, MSD and MSB both offer pre-k programs with the same admissions requirements as any other grade.

  • MSDB is funded by the Mississippi legislature, so there is no cost to parents or school districts to attend. Districts may be called upon to provide services not available at MSDB.

  • MSDB provides comprehensive support services in and out of the classroom to address each student’s individual needs and to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Please click HERE for more information regarding specific supports.

  • MSD has a bilingual approach to learning, with ASL as the primary mode of communication. Our teachers are required to show proof that they are working towards ASL mastery, with the goal of becoming certified in deaf education (HI). Most of the MSD staff is already fluent in ASL, and many are certified in deaf education.

  • If a student’s usable vision is not sufficient to see and read regular or large print, then the IEP committee may recommend the student learn Braille. Our teachers are required to show proof that they are working towards Braille mastery, with the goal of becoming certified as a Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) after mastery of Braille. MSB already has several TVIs on staff.

  • Students who live within approximately 50 miles of campus are considered commuter students and ride their district’s bus each day or with a parent. Students who live further than 50 miles of campus are typically considered residential students who live on campus during the week and go home on weekends.

  • MSDB offers most of the same courses as local school districts and then partners with local school districts to meet additional requirements.

  • Check the MSD webpage for updates regarding Community ASL class availability. You can also find self-paced resources for ASL on the MSD website and for Braille on the MSB under the Resources tab.

  • MSDB offers various activities such as athletics, arts, student organizations, field trips, scouting, peer interactions, games, and other on-campus activities. Commuters may participate in some activities as long as they have reliable daily transportation. In addition, residential students are allotted time for online tutoring, homework, and study.

  • If your child is at least five years old and lives more than a 50 mile radius to campus, your child may apply to become a residential student. Students are supervised each week by trained Residential Education Parents after school until the next morning. Each clean, spacious dorm complex contains a multi-purpose living room, kitchen, laundry room, and several bedrooms with two beds and private bath.

  • Transportation is arranged by calling the MSDB Transportation Department at (601)984-8108. Parents of commuters will need to work with your local district’s transportation department and have them contact us.

  • Contact your child’s principal to arrange your visit. If needed, an interpreter or sighted guide will be provided.

  • The Lifeshare House is available to all MSDB parents of residential students for brief overnight visits to campus to visit with students, attend events, handle school related business, or other activities approved by the superintendent or designee.

  • Absolutely! MSDB is located in the Eastover District, one of Jackson’s safest, most affluent neighborhoods. The area is also thriving with new hotels, shops, and restaurants just across the street at The District at Eastover.

  • No, MSDB is now its own school district with two very distinct schools with two very distinct populations of students.

  • Yes. As of August 2021, every student at MSD and MSB has their own device.

  • All classroom visits should be scheduled with the principal and should be strictly for observation purposes only. Should you need to consult with your child’s teacher, please schedule a meeting with the principal or teacher. Parents are always invited to come for all special events on campus and should check in at the Welcome Center and the school office.

  • A list of minimum recommended items will be supplied to each student at the beginning of the year to reduce clutter in the dorms.

  • Please call the dorm supervisors to coordinate a time to ensure someone is there to let you in and answer any questions you may have regarding room or rules.

  • The school or dorm staff is not responsible for broken, lost, or stolen items, and it is the student’s sole responsibility to turn items in at the set time required by dorm rules.

  • Televisions are available in the living rooms but not allowed in the dorm rooms. Individual refrigerators, skates, and hoverboards are also not allowed.

  • MSD’s colors are purple and gold. MSB’s colors are navy, white, and red.

  • MSD students are required to wear a solid color Polo shirt with khaki, navy, or black pants. MSB students are required to wear a blue, red, or white Polo shirt with khaki or navy pants.